Yesterday, we took Ms. sassafras to see Santa himself in the flesh. Oh, and of course, his lovely wife, Mrs. Claus. We were standing in line and Ms. sassafras was literally jumping up and down in anticipation. She was very professional about things - it was all business, you know. Old Saint Nick asked, "What is your name?" She told him. And then he whispered something in her ear. She whispered back, "An easy bake oven, what else, Ma?" Too cute. Motherbird gave her a few more suggestions and he concluded by giving her a goody bag and of course a candy cane. She was just thrilled. I could feel the positive energy pouring out of her. She told us that she loves Santa SO much. And now that she met him, she will REALLY listen to mommy and daddy so that she's sure to get a visit by the jolly fat man on Christmas Eve. Okay, so I believe that. For about ten minutes...
Oh well, we love her to death anyway.
At three years old, she continues to amaze me at the comprehension and processing in that small sized brain. She asked me why we celebrate Christmas. I told her it was the day Jesus was born and He is our Savior. You know, that book that we read every night. "Yes, mommy, I know now." Sweet child.