Hi! This morning, and always first on the list, was a trip to Starbucks. Then we had to get our tickets for the Sunday train to Guangzhou. We got a quick Skype in with Avery. They called us! I spoke a little with my dad, and was unable to get a hold of my mom when I tried.
We had a wonderful time today taking the Star Ferry around Victoria Harbour. Getting a glimpse close up of the architecture was great. Oh, and being on a boat in the sun relaxing was amazing too.
We walked along the boardwalk, and also ate lunch at a place called Bulldogs, an American eatery that overlooks the water. We ate outside and enjoyed the cool breeze as we listened to Culture Club and the Scorpions. We figure our contact Bill in Guangzhou will have us get our complete fix of Chinese food.
Oh, and did I mention that the forecast that called for rain/scattered showers was wrong? It ended up being just gorgeous outside - 75 and sunny.
After eating, we went to the pool and relaxed. Eric is currently taking a nap (he
never takes naps) and we will get ready to go for dinner and plan on going to a light show presentation tonight.
Check out the picture of Nathan Road that we got today.
Oh, and our hotel has a putting green. Seriously, you should have seen Eric's face light up when we saw it.
Amazingly, I already feel adjusted to this time zone.
We heart Hong Kong. We're really falling in love with this city.