Friday, April 30, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates

We ate lunch inside the observatory building. Who wouldn't have eaten at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company in Hong Kong when given the opportunity?

The views from the restaurant were unbelievable. There were windows on the entire side of the restaurant, for an unforgettable experience.

Run, Forrest, Run.

Victoria's Peak

Victoria's Peak is the highest spot in Hong Kong. There is a tram available to take up to an observatory, to view the city from high above.

The tram goes up at a 45 degree angle, powered by two steel cords. I was just praying that they didn't snap in two for our ride there and back. And they didn't.

It was a very nice view, although it was cloudy. At least it wasn't raining.

We went early in the morning, and by the time we got out of there, the line for the tram was quadruple what it was when we arrived. The early bird gets the worm. And for all of you who know my husband well, it was pure satisfaction to him knowing that we had beat the rush.

Take a look at our views from the top.

Kowloon Park

While on Nathan Road, we took a step off to Kowloon Park, a serene area we had read about in one of our books.

It was nice there with beautiful landscaping. I love to watch the people doing their Tai Chi in the morning.

Nathan Road

After our daily regimen of Starbucks and McDonald's, we ventured out to Nathan Road. We wanted to hit the street before it was exploding at the seams with people. Even though most of the shops were closed, there were still some people walking around.

Nathan Road is the equivalent of the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. If fact, I've seen signs here referring to it as the Golden Mile. It is shops, shops, and more shops. And sorry Mom, we didn't find "Joyce's". :(

So, since our day today involved lots of things, I will post pictures in batches.

Here are the pictures of Nathan Road.

Star Ferry Ride

Hi! This morning, and always first on the list, was a trip to Starbucks. Then we had to get our tickets for the Sunday train to Guangzhou. We got a quick Skype in with Avery. They called us! I spoke a little with my dad, and was unable to get a hold of my mom when I tried.

We had a wonderful time today taking the Star Ferry around Victoria Harbour. Getting a glimpse close up of the architecture was great. Oh, and being on a boat in the sun relaxing was amazing too.

We walked along the boardwalk, and also ate lunch at a place called Bulldogs, an American eatery that overlooks the water. We ate outside and enjoyed the cool breeze as we listened to Culture Club and the Scorpions. We figure our contact Bill in Guangzhou will have us get our complete fix of Chinese food.

Oh, and did I mention that the forecast that called for rain/scattered showers was wrong? It ended up being just gorgeous outside - 75 and sunny.

After eating, we went to the pool and relaxed. Eric is currently taking a nap (he never takes naps) and we will get ready to go for dinner and plan on going to a light show presentation tonight.

Check out the picture of Nathan Road that we got today.

Oh, and our hotel has a putting green. Seriously, you should have seen Eric's face light up when we saw it.

Amazingly, I already feel adjusted to this time zone.

We heart Hong Kong. We're really falling in love with this city.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Welcome to Hong Kong

After a 15 1/2 hour flight, we made it to China!

Thanks to everyone for the messages yesterday both online and by phone. I did get them all.

We are loving our hotel here in Hong Kong. We have views of the Victoria Harbor and can sneak a peek of the ferries drifting by between the buildings. Eric and I just ran up to the top floor to try and check out the pool and it was closed. It is on the roof.

We spoke with Avery and Eric's parents tonight, and they are all doing well.

We will site see tomorrow and Friday and then head to Nathan's city on Sunday. Oh, and we've already seen Nathan Road in route to the hotel, courtesy of our taxi driver! It is very rainy here.

We'll post some pictures tomorrow after we explore this beautiful city a bit....

Fancing meeting you here

So, I called my good friend and travel guru resource Jennifer to ask a question (okay I called her twice) and it turns out she was flying out when we were! And guess what? She was ONE GATE OVER from us!

Here is a pic of us and the parents to be at the airport.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Seemingly calm

I'm much calmer than our first trip.  Maybe it was the fact that there were so many unknowns.  Or maybe because I do not have to pack 138 baby items this time.  And I am taking vitamins diligently so that I do not become sick....
My house is clean.  We are packed, other than last minute things.
I am spending the day with my precious daughter - enjoying every minute.  We will return as a family of four. 
Our hearts, complete.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Two days!?!?!?

We are leaving in two days! Can you believe how times flies?

I still have some packing to do. I'm trying to get my house in order so that it looks good when we return.

The chain link is done and is at Grandma's house. Here are some pics and cute Mei Mei in the background, and of course the kite flying pictures.

I miss Ms. sassafras already. I cannot imagine being away from her that long. I know she is in good hands, and that comforts me. Thank goodness for Skype. I'm trying to envision saying our goodbyes to her, and I will need to keep it together for her sake. I have been trying to be very positive about the whole trip - how much fun she is going to have with her grandmas and grandpas, lots of activities to keep her busy. But then she tells me, "Mommy, I'm gonna miss you.. And Mommy, I'm gonna cry for you..." Breaks my heart.

Please pray for a safe journey, and for us to be prepared for our son's needs, as he becomes part of our family. And please throw in a prayer for Ms. sassafras, that she will cope without her parents for the eighteen days we will be gone, and will be a good girl for everyone taking care of her. Of course I know there will be at least a little drama.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Test post

Okay, so we leave in ten days, and on one hand I am overwhelmed, and on the other I feel like I am making progress in getting things prepared for the trip.
This is a test post from my email.  The hope is that when I email my blog account, my posts will be sent properly to the blog.  And to see if a college educated girl like me can follow simple directions.  :)
Then I can mark this task off my list.  I will post another time in the next couple of days to try out a picture with the text.
We had a fun weekend of Daddy and Ms. sassafras flying a kite.  And we couldn't get away without singing the song from that Disney classic Mary Poppins:  "Let's go fly a kite!"  Sing it with me everyone.....   Up to the highest height......
Kite flying pictures to follow soon.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tickets and reservations and research, oh my.

We got our tickets to fly late last night. Just looking at the flight itinerary with our son's name on it for the return flight is a good feeling. This is it. Our lives are about to change.

I keep trying to imagine how things will go when he meets us. How he will react to his new parents? Have his foster parents told him a lot about getting a new family? I thinking about him grieving and his foster parents as well, and I get a little sad. An amazing thing is about to happen, for all of us, but he might not be able to see it for a while. Like anyone, he will learn to trust us, in his own timing.

We splurged on our Hong Kong hotel. You only live once, right? Besides, it will be a nice getaway for hubby and me before placement. We've heard great things about Hong Kong, and we can't wait to sight see. Last time we were there, the only place in Hong Kong that we saw was the airport for a five hour layover on our way home from China - not much fun.

This upcoming Monday we will apply for our Chinese visas and they will be ready early the following week. We leave two weeks from this upcoming Wednesday already. And I know the time will fly.

I still cannot believe this is finally happening. We are just so excited!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Consulate appointment, check.

Each day that goes by gets us one day closer to meeting our son. Today, we are moving forward at a fast pace. Funny how waiting and waiting makes you feel lax, and then when things are getting closer, a sense of urgency sets in. I am thankful to God that this time has finally come.

We got our Consulate appointment, the main appointment that among others, is the basis of when the trip is scheduled.

Right now, here are some details:

Gotcha day is scheduled for May 4th at 2:30pm! This the day after the Chinese Labor Day, and exactly three years ago to that day we held our baby girl for the first time!

We'll sign the final adoption paperwork on May 5th at 9am.

The Consulate appointment is May 12th at 9am.

The itinerary is pending (hopefully we'll get it tomorrow or early next week), and we will book the flights after it is finalized.

Hooray! Time to research Hong Kong and find some fun things to do there!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Big announcement!

Today was a great day! We got our travel approval and hope to book our trip this week!

It is getting more real now. Our son's future is bright. And we are lucky that we are his parents.

Spring is here.

The birds are chirping.

The earth is changing into beautiful shades of green.

We are happy.

Life is good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all! He is risen! Let us celebrate with family and friends!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A life forever changed

In a few short weeks, two parents will be on a plane to meet their son. Never in a million years did they imagine they'd have a son. Never in a million years did they know that they would be on their way to a foreign country for the second time to meet their child. And never in a million years did they know that their precious boy would be seven years old when they would meet.

But God knew.

All along.

These two parents were planners. Type A people. Had their life completely planned out, you see. Fell in love, madly. Got married. Next, kids. When fertility treatments were unsuccessful, they knew they were still meant to be parents. They decided to adopt a little girl from China. And they met that little girl on May 8, 2007.

That little girl has brought so much joy to these parents, and to her grandparents, many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. How could one little girl change the lives of so many people? How could they be so lucky?

So now, as we get ready to pick up this precious boy, we pray for him in his transition. We know that his life will be changed from the moment that we meet. And we are up for the challenges, and look forward to loving this boy with all of our hearts. Forever.