Sunday, April 18, 2010

Test post

Okay, so we leave in ten days, and on one hand I am overwhelmed, and on the other I feel like I am making progress in getting things prepared for the trip.
This is a test post from my email.  The hope is that when I email my blog account, my posts will be sent properly to the blog.  And to see if a college educated girl like me can follow simple directions.  :)
Then I can mark this task off my list.  I will post another time in the next couple of days to try out a picture with the text.
We had a fun weekend of Daddy and Ms. sassafras flying a kite.  And we couldn't get away without singing the song from that Disney classic Mary Poppins:  "Let's go fly a kite!"  Sing it with me everyone.....   Up to the highest height......
Kite flying pictures to follow soon.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, it worked!! I'm so happy. :)
    It's the little things in life - I tell ya.
