We are leaving in two days! Can you believe how times flies?
I still have some packing to do. I'm trying to get my house in order so that it looks good when we return.
The chain link is done and is at Grandma's house. Here are some pics and cute Mei Mei in the background, and of course the kite flying pictures.
I miss Ms. sassafras already. I cannot imagine being away from her that long. I know she is in good hands, and that comforts me. Thank goodness for Skype. I'm trying to envision saying our goodbyes to her, and I will need to keep it together for her sake. I have been trying to be very positive about the whole trip - how much fun she is going to have with her grandmas and grandpas, lots of activities to keep her busy. But then she tells me, "Mommy, I'm gonna miss you.. And Mommy, I'm gonna cry for you..." Breaks my heart.
Please pray for a safe journey, and for us to be prepared for our son's needs, as he becomes part of our family. And please throw in a prayer for Ms. sassafras, that she will cope without her parents for the eighteen days we will be gone, and will be a good girl for everyone taking care of her. Of course I know there will be at least a little drama.
Our family will keep ALL of your family in prayer as you travel! Yes, you will miss Ms. S terribly, but I promise you the time will fly and suddenly you will be home again and wonder where the 2 1/2 weeks went! And all will be well...