We have been having such a good time with our new friends, David and Julie, who are here in China with us adopting a 13 month old girl, Megan. We just met them a week ago, and we have shared such great moments together. We have cried together and cracked up together. We received our children within a few moments of each other, and we will always have that special bond. They have two biological boys, and the older boy is 15 days older than Guohao. We have had the experience of adopting an infant girl from China, and they have the experience of a seven year old boy, so we are relying on each other for support and encouragement. God has perfectly planned them coming into our lives. We are so thankful.
So, in the first picture is our travel group including Bill, who works for our agency. If I said that Bill is great a million times, it wouldn't be enough. He has such a way with the children, and he processes the paperwork with ease (so it seems) and perfection. All we have to do is be parents to our kids.
We posted a picture of Guohao's addiction, the DS. You may know it as the "Dit Dit Dit". Does anyone know how to make a six hour battery for a hand held game last for a fourteen hour plane ride?
Yesterday was Guohao's first time in the pool. Of course, he was clinging on to Eric. He had water wings on, but didn't know why in the world he was wearing them. Eventually, I think we conveyed to him that Eric would not let him go, that he would be safe. Despite him being a little scared, he did enjoy himself.
Today is a free day, so we are just hanging out in the hotel. I spoke with Vickie earlier - she is here adopting Chloe's brothers (the Min sibs) and we plan on having dinner tonight with them. I have been following her blog for the past year, and she truly has an amazing story. There is a link to her blog on the right of my blog under the "my blog list" section - her blog is "Just a MINute Mom". Just a brief scenario of her story: They adopted Chloe last year, and when Vickie was in China then, she found out that Chloe had two biological brothers, and it took a year, miracles, and mountains moved, but they are here now picking up the brothers.
I am really excited to meet the clan. Seriously - this is big time. Vickie seems like a riot, and I told her that I consider her a "celebrity". Look out Vickie and the Min sibs, the paparazzi is coming! Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures.
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