This past week has been a trying time for myself and Nathan. In addition to a lot of whining, he has finally let out his tears, which I believe he was holding in since we got him. I am talking some serious crying here. I think he had to finally start to grieve, and let out some of his emotions that he has been keeping inside - a very normal part of his being adopted into a new family, language and culture... dealing with his losses. He has been testing my every last ounce of patience, and trying to be in complete control. Of course, he needs to understand that Eric and I are the ones in control, and I believe that from the last few days and the progress I think we have made, that he is beginning to understand that. I must keep reminding myself how scary it must be to be in his size 12 shoes. And he has proven that he is a boy of courage.
No one said that this would be easy. I am so thankful that I am off of work right now, so that I can deal with every situation as it comes. The time is going by so fast.
I made Nathan a chart, where he can earn stickers for good deeds being done. Five stickers earn him a fun size Kit Kat bar, which to him is a big motivator - and being a chocolate lover, I don't blame him, really. So I am focusing more on positive things, and it seems to be helping.
So I hope that these past few days we have made some progress. Time will tell.
Oh, one awesome thing is that Nathan lost one of his top front teeth! He was so excited, particularly to get money under his pillow. Next time I will post pictures of his new smile.
In the meantime, here are some more pictures of the kids. They went to a "bounce house" and loved every second of it.
Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there!
Hang in there momma, you are doing a super job!We came home the same time and are wading rough waters as well-- it's sinking in for them and the language barrier is tough. It will only get better and better though. We are praying for you:)